The Stewart Family in New Guinea, January 2019
We are back in Papua New Guinea!
The last you heard
from us we were still lacking some monthly support and were celebrating
Christmas. Then we took off into the sunset and disappeared! So sorry
about that! The GREAT news is that God faithfully provided the remainder
of our support and we were able to get back to work.
We spent a
wonderful sunny week in one of our favorite places on earth, Cairns,
Australia, getting over jet lag and doing some last minute shopping (a
blender, shoes, nine pounds of cheese…not kidding). We always like to
get over jet lag in a country that has McDonalds. Then bright and early
on January 7th we flew back to Papua New Guinea. As our
Kodiak was circling Ukarumpa and preparing to land Paul turned to me
with his eyes filling up and said “We’re back!”
Everyone keeps
asking “How was furlough?” And we answer “It was great!” The next
question is “Are you happy to be back?” And we say “YES! We are thrilled
to be back!” The answer is gloriously BOTH! Our furlough was everything
it could be AND we are excited to be back. Lots of people have said
that we seem different, more joyful, healthier in every way. And that
has everything in the world to do with YOU guys. Your love and grace and
patience and laughter and support have sent us back to the field
stronger than we have ever been. I truly believe we have the best
senders of all time!
we will fill you in on what we have been up to since we got back, but
mostly we just wanted you to know that yes…we are alive! We love and
miss all of you! We are hearing about the great American freeze-out and
are thinking about you while we sweat it out in the tropics!
Thanks for sending us back to PNG. And
a special thanks to everyone who sent in a gift in December! WOW! You
knocked our socks off! We love partnering with you to serve the people
of Papua New Guinea.
Love, The Stewart Six
Jan 5, 2019
financial contributions to our ministry account: Checks should be made
payable to “Wycliffe Bible Translators” with a separate note indicating,
“Preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Paul and Kelly Stewart,
Account #200014.” Send to Wycliffe Bible Translators P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, Florida 32862-8200.
Or give online at
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