Bonner Gospel Mission April

Bonner Gospel Mission, April 2019

Dear Friends,

Matthew 4:19 And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."

     Isn't it interesting that Jesus chose 12 ordinary men to become His disciples which resulted in an extra ordinary ministry? He mentored and trained these men for greatness. The had no idea what lay ahead of them. They left everything to follow Him. Some of the men were fisherman who made their living fishing, which required patience, persistence, and a willingness to work long hard hours. They had to be able to work together as a team. Some were brothers, one a tax collector, and even a traitor! Each one was different, but each one was used by God. We encourage our men, that since God did transform and use these ordinary men, He can transform and use them, too.

     Our former volunteer/staff person, Bob Staten, is an example of how God took an ordinary man and transformed his life into a person whose desire is to share what Christ did for him despite his past. Bob took his love for fishing and his desire to share his faith, and used it in ministry to some of the men here by taking them fishing. He liked to joke about how the men had to listen because they were stuck in the boat with him. There's just something about being on the Clark Fork River or the lake that sets your heart at peace. Seeing the wonder of God's creation, the smells and the sounds of the river, create memories that aren't soon forgotten.

     As you can see from the pictures, there were a lot of successful trips. Bob always started the trips with prayer and if it happened to be a slow day of unrep0ented sin in their life (all in good fun). Lots of laughing and clean fellowship would happen on that boat. (Maybe even some exaggeration too!)
     I now have the pleasure of owning that boat and we continue that fishing ministry. Since we've been getting some nice sunshine lately, we are getting that fishing itch real bad.

     Most of these men haven't been fishing in years and it brings back some good memories for them. Fishing is a way to prepare the soil so we can plant the seeds of salvation in their life. Even if we don't see for ourselves the results of these trips, we do know some good will come of them.

     I'm in the process of getting the boat cleaned and ready for this season and I have a special donation request: any fishing rods and reels or any type of fishing fear that isn't being used, we would put it to good use. Just contact me at the mission.

     Bob's health is now failing, but even during this difficult time he continues to share his faith and be a "fisher of men." Thank you for your service, Bob!

Your fellow "fisher of men" in Christ,
Steve Schubarth

Mission Needs
  1.  Prayer is our most important need. Continued prayer for our staff to be able to minister to our guests with clarity, wisdom, discernment, patience, and the ability to listen well and give counsel that is in accordance to God's will.  Food: canned soups, chili, canned fruits, spaghetti sauce, milk, eggs, bread, cold cereal, bacon, sausage, casseroles that we can freeze, fresh vegetables, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, sandwich meats, and chips, hamburger, pork chops, chicken, roasts. (Please understand that we can not take frozen or canned goods that are close to or past expiration date.) 
  2. We are on our way to raising the funds we need to start renovating our dorm room. Last month we had the blessing of $500 towards our goal of $20,000. We are very thankful for what ever comes in to help maintain our facility. 
  3. Evening meals are always welcomed and appreciated. 
  4. Wants (not necessarily needs): fishing rods and reels, tackle boxes, lures, and fishing gear.

Prayers and Praises

  1. Thankful for a group of 14 people from a local church who came for a day of service. They baked cookies, cleaned pantry, assembled and installed some shelving units, put together toiletry bags, organized our clothing room, made fire starters, and even gave a hair cut. What a blessing to have them come and serve. 
  2. Pray for our monthly support. 
  3. Pray for our guests that need employment and housing. 
  4. Pray for our guests and their relationships with their families. 
  5. Salvation for those that don' know Christ and growth for those who claim they do. 
  6. Thankful for the couple that brings a meal on Wednesday evenings. They sit and have dinner with our men. Also the 2nd Sunday of every month a local church faithfully supplies a meal. 
Located at: 762 Triangle Drive, Ponderay, ID
Mail to: PO Box 263, Ponderary, ID 83852

Phone: (208) 263-6698
Cell: (208) 610-6074
Facebook: Bonner Gospel Mission - Sandpoint, ID


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