Ford Flyers, April 2020

The Ford Flyers, April 2020
     expanding the reach of the Gospel in Alaska

Ministry Highlight

The ministry of Missionary Aviation Repair Center partners with many organizations, missionaries, churches, and summer camps in order to continue to expand the reach of the gospel in Alaska.
Last month was the Annual Iditarod dog-sled race that traverses the Alaskan wilderness from Anchorage all the way up to Nome, some ~930 miles over the course of several days.  This is no doubt an impressive feat for the “mushers” (drivers) as well as for the dogs.  This event was inspired by events in 1925 surrounding a diphtheria epidemic that threatened to take over the western half of Alaska, including Nome, but the villagers were saved by a relay of dog sled teams.  This story has been commemorated by movies such as Balto, recently released Great Alaskan Race, and Togo. 

The ministry of Carry the Cure was inspired by these events, now bringing not the hope of a box of medicine as Balto and Togo did, but the hope of Jesus Christ to villages where many suffer from feelings of isolation, depression, suicide, and abuse.  Carry the Cure serves through music, skits, presentations of the Gospel message of Christ, and simply visiting with and listening to villagers, and praying with them. MARC sent both of our King Air aircraft to carry all of the Carry the Cure team, their equipment, and the food/supplies for a full week’s trip to several villages.  Not only taking care of the flying, MARC pilots help with carrying equipment, setting up chairs, moving speakers and assisting with running wires, microphone stands, instruments, and sometimes to simply sitting with villagers and talking.  The goal is to reach EVERY village in Alaska!!

As we anticipate our ministry with MARC, we get excited at the prospect of working with, spending time sharing and listening to them as they present their all-important message.

Team members of Carry the Cure team ready to start the show

Fact: The average cost of a 1-person trip from Mekoryuk to shop at the nearest Walmart or Costco is over $1000

would you consider joining with us?
•  Would you commit to praying with us and the ministry of MARC?  In service to our King, prayer is by far the greatest resource that can be utilized by anyone, from anywhere in the world.
•  We are so thankful for how so many of you have passed on our info, spread out prayer cards and told others about our ministry! Thank you!! We would love to share with your church, small group, or individuals about what God is doing in Alaska. Please pass on our contact information with those that come to mind.
•  Would you consider partnering with us financially?  Your donations to the ministry of MARC make the work that we do possible. We are required to raise monthly commitments to cover our living expenses, as well as one-time outgoing support to cover our moving costs.  If you would like to begin that partnership or make a donation, please use the response card, or contact us directly.

Quarantine - What does that spell for the Fords?
The first thing told to people when they were in the presence of the Lord, or an angel of the Lord, was “Do not fear.”  But we can be afraid of many different things, not the least of which is a killer virus creating a pandemic in a matter of months.  There is much to be afraid of, and while we may be scared of how quickly this pandemic has swept the globe, or scared that we may run out of resources at home . . . God is not scared, nor is he glorified when we act out of fear.  Our priority right now, as always, needs to be seeking Him and serving others. We don’t have answers, or indications in the Bible of what to do with COVID-19, but we do see many times how God laments when His people are suffering and shows great empathy as others showed their powerful emotions.  In a recent article in TIME magazine by N.T. Wright is a statement that really resonated with many of us,

    “It is no part of the Christian vocation, then, to be able to explain what’s happening and why.  In fact, it is part of the Christian vocation not to be able to explain—and to lament instead. As the Spirit laments within us, so we become, even in our self-isolation, small shrines where the presence and healing love of God can dwell. And out of that there can emerge new possibilities, new acts of kindness, new scientific understanding, new hope.”

We need to be honest with ourselves about our emotions, honest with God and pouring our anxiety and fear onto Him instead of trapping it inside.  For instance how does our heart melt when another person shares such powerful, painful emotions that bring them to tears? It seems the only action we can take is to wrap our arms around them in comfort and join them in their lament and pain. In the same way, God wants to wrap His arms around us and comfort us in our pain, frustration, lamenting and suffering. Confident of God’s outstretched arms, we can offer some hope and comfort to those around us.  Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

595 Funny River Rd.    Soldotna, AK 99669
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MARC ALASKA.  Giving Wings to Alaskan Missions




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