The Rich Family in Brazil, February 2020
When the Enemy is upset, we must be doing something right. Our mission made headlines this month because an anthropologist, who was formerly a member of the mission, was appointed to a high position in the government organization that oversees indigenous affairs. Particularly, he was put over the section that deals with uncontacted tribes. This sparked outrage in the media and digging up all the past garbage they could on the mission: some true, some half true, and some false. The Enemy does not want any infiltration of his strongholds and he doesn't care about truth or fairness.The new mission helicopter, which has begun operating, has also come up in the news.
In our little corner of Brazil, there are still rumors. Ed just got back from a short time in the village. He talked to A, one of the guys who is reported to oppose us at meetings. Ed explained to him that we got authorization to be there and showed him the document that the village leadership had signed and got A to sign it as well. We have entrusted the situation to God, that He will keep us there for as long as He wants.
For now, we are in our base town sorting, packing, and storing things. We are adjusting well and coming to our base town feels a little bit like coming home. We spent a couple of days building relationships with church people at a Carnaval retreat. Many foreigners come down to be a part of Carnaval, but most churches here go away on retreats to escape the debauchery.
We will probably go to the village next week along with Ed. Our satellite dish for internet in the village is supposed to be coming, so we may have to make an extra trip to take the technician to install it and bring him back.
The Past Month
In our little corner of Brazil, there are still rumors. Ed just got back from a short time in the village. He talked to A, one of the guys who is reported to oppose us at meetings. Ed explained to him that we got authorization to be there and showed him the document that the village leadership had signed and got A to sign it as well. We have entrusted the situation to God, that He will keep us there for as long as He wants.
For now, we are in our base town sorting, packing, and storing things. We are adjusting well and coming to our base town feels a little bit like coming home. We spent a couple of days building relationships with church people at a Carnaval retreat. Many foreigners come down to be a part of Carnaval, but most churches here go away on retreats to escape the debauchery.
We will probably go to the village next week along with Ed. Our satellite dish for internet in the village is supposed to be coming, so we may have to make an extra trip to take the technician to install it and bring him back.
Thank you for praying!
In Christ,
Brian & Rachel Rich
Praise God:
Please Pray:
In Christ,
Brian & Rachel Rich
Praise God:
-For a good adjustment so far
-For friendships with people from the church here
-For friendships with people from the church here
Please Pray:
-For all our logistics to occur in a timely manner
-For progress in language and culture learning
-For those who oppose us
Brian & Rachel Rich are with Ethnos360 in Brazil
Website and blog:
To give to them online:
Cleaning our boat
-For those who oppose us
Brian & Rachel Rich are with Ethnos360 in Brazil
Website and blog:
To give to them online:
Cleaning our boat
Visiting church friends
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