
Showing posts from April, 2019

Brian & Rachel Rich, March 2019

March 2019 We would be naive to think that our enemy would sit idly by and watch us make progress toward bringing God's light to more people. Until this month, we were happily oblivious to the complaints against us, even though all our neighbors (indigenous and non-indigenous alike) have apparently known for a long time. Ascertaining exactly what the complaints are and who is against us, has proven difficult. It seems to be people from other villages who are jealous of the benefits we have brought to this village. There is also much misinformation that has been propagated, such as us embezzling money that the government intended for them, or that we are growing marijuana. They apparently questioned our presence on indigenous land during some of their big, inter-village meetings, with the presence of some missio-phobic NGOs who need no good excuse to persecute us. Needless to say, that has been on our minds a lot recently. It is common for missionaries to have this type of t...

Heather MacKnee March

Hi Everybody, How are you doing? I hope all is well. Thank you so much for taking time to read this update. I hope you enjoy the pictures too. God bless you all as you live for Him. Joyfully His, Heather MacKnee   The pictures:  I found a really cool wall the other day. I think you'll understand why I like it.  In my update I talk about the following: Blanca and her brother, Jesus, and Blanca's baby boy. David has his baby on his shoulders, and Mariela is beside him. One of the last pics I have of Javier, when I was teaching him how to drive my car.  Each restricted contribution designated towards an organization approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or can’t be completed for any reason determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such programs or projects will be used where needed mos...

Bonner Gospel Mission April

Bonner Gospel Mission, April 2019 Dear Friends, Matthew 4:19 And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."      Isn't it interesting that Jesus chose 12 ordinary men to become His disciples which resulted in an extra ordinary ministry? He mentored and trained these men for greatness. The had no idea what lay ahead of them. They left everything to follow Him. Some of the men were fisherman who made their living fishing, which required patience, persistence, and a willingness to work long hard hours. They had to be able to work together as a team. Some were brothers, one a tax collector, and even a traitor! Each one was different, but each one was used by God. We encourage our men, that since God did transform and use these ordinary men, He can transform and use them, too.      Our former volunteer/staff person, Bob Staten, is an example of how God took an ordinary man and transformed his life into a person whose desi...